Monday, 30 December 2013

Salt Winter

I really hate to admit the fact I've been such an emotional sloth the last couple of days. I couldn't quite help it but I think enough is enough. I'm not gonna wait for another person to pick me up from the back of my shirt and hang me up the wall. It's terrible... can't--breatheeee.

I'm really grateful for the all people in my life, and my bunny who has been bringing me the widest smiles as of late. How can you not smile at this:


It has been dreadfully emotional and grossly terrifying to be all in the face with the honesty of my thoughts and feelings. Some crazy crazy things up in my brain right there friend. BUT, some of the best and most honest works have come out of it too, so I wouldn't trade the experience for anything else either. I might share them one day I might not, but I discovered that I might be more capable of more things than I actually know. Of course, I cannot give any credit whatsoever to my pathetic little life, because really, who am I without Jesus?

So, enough tears and fever and fainting and hiding under my blankie named Chouchou

It's Adventure Time guys.

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