It's been a crazy week! Replug camp was pretty amazing. All that effort put in to get the whole camp together, and I thought the bonding agenda was pretty much a success. Made really cutie fwens, hehe prettygurl94 Amanda shall be named since we were like chopsticks throughout the camp. & I'll just let the pictures do the talking although, I'd like to add that I was so disappointed with my performance again......... Forever forgetting my lyrics (WHYYYY??!?!?) le sigh. But beyond that, the people were just fantabulous and I'm really thankful I gave the IG a shot and vice versa. Tada ~
Additions to Replug '12
Replug '12 @ the blackbox
Showcase Night; set up
So the freshies got blindfolded on our last night, and everyone was being all grumpy about a possible nightwalk, but it ended up as a surprise welcome party!!!! I nearly teared to be honest heh I'm a sucka for pretty things and so lights = *,*
So once again, a big thank you to all the very lovely people who made the camp such an amazing experience for all of us. I never had a more musical camp in my life hahahahaha. Sleeping through jam sessions and waking to jam sessions. Hxc these fellas, but ever so yummy sounding!
I'll post about the other stuffs soon when I get hold of the pictures, but I had an amazing time with my kiddoz tonight to end off the week. Missed these guys so much; I have only a shot of us from my birthday up there... (without John and his girl though) But we had great food, great dessert and a great van that managed to house all 9 of us hahaha. These guys sure are progressing in life :') With new additions to our retarded team but we welcome the lovely girlfriends with a merry heart.
Ps: to my beloved Marlie & Vivi,
Despite the both of you running off and abandoning me to lonesomeness, I vow to fiercely love you as I always have, and to love who you love along with loving you. I'm always here my cutie pies, never think any less of me as a friend. Spam my phone with calls if that's what it takes to get to me. Or just appear at my doorstep and you know I'll greet you with open arms. And since April for Marlie is a huge part of your life now, and Shane for Vivi, I will love them too with all my heart however I can ~
Don't you dare forget me now kidz. Muah muah ♥
(I'm keeping my close friends closer)
Love, sammy
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